Identifying Flowers That Will Give You Lush Indoor Blooms This Winter

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Caring for and Identifying Flowers Indoors

identifying flowersThe grey of barren trees and the brown of a winter landscape can be bleak during the cold months this season. But just because it’s colorless outside doesn’t mean your winter has to fade to grey too. There are plenty of flowering indoor plants that can make dreary winter brighter. Here’s to identifying flowers that you can enjoy from November to March right inside your own home. These are a few of our favorite recommendations.

The Cyclamen is a flowering houseplant that is low maintenance. The flowers are vivid and the plant’s main requirement is just a bit of humidity. To provide that humidity, set the plant’s container on a saucer containing small stones and water. The stones keep roots from becoming drenched yet allow the water to moisten the soil continually.

Apart from humidity, it helps to know that cyclamen doesn’t like direct sunshine – so a spot that receives indirect sun is ideal. Feed your plant two times per month and that is it. Simply enjoy the lush foliage and vibrant blooms.

African Violet
When it comes to identifying flowers, just about everyone recognizes the furry leaves and velvety blooms of an African violet. This indoor plant likes steady conditions and medium light. The real trick with these plants is in the watering. African violets want a constant moisture level but you should only water them when the uppermost two inches of soil becomes dry. When you do water, it’s important that you avoid dripping on the leaves. They require a bit more attention, but the fabulous flower clusters are beautiful.

This flowering succulent offers groups of tiny blooms in reds, yellows or hues of orange. Originally hailing from the island nation of Madagascar, the plant prefers sunny spots and daytime temperatures around 70 degrees. They also like deep, dark, cool nights. These black nights are needed in order to trigger winter blooming. The other trick to caring for Kalanchoe is to let the soil stay a bit drier once the blossoms do appear. As long as they are producing blooms, be sure to give these plants a steady regimen of fertilizer.

Chinese Jasmine
If identifying flowers for indoor enjoyment isn’t just about color, but perfume as well – you can’t beat jasmine. The vine-like plant does produce pinkish, star-shaped flowers but their true charm is their redolent fragrance. The plant is not hard to grow and grows fairly quickly. It enjoys full-to-partial sunlight and well-drained soil. In fact, a mature jasmine is drought-resistant and needs little beyond regular misting.

At Kincaid Plant Markers we celebrate spring gardeners, summer gardeners, fall gardeners and the hardy indoor winter gardener. Once you’ve identified the flowering houseplants suitable for cheering up winter, be sure to use our markers to identify them by name. We make quality plant identifying products that can stand up to all kinds of weather, season after season. Don’t just endure this winter. Spend it enjoying lush indoor blooms labeled with Kincaid plant markers.