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What You Need for an Indoor Herb Garden: Plants, Pots and Personalized Labels

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Personalized Labels Autograph Your Herb Garden as Your Own Winter Project

personalized labelsFreezing temperatures, dark days and stone-hard ground doesn’t mean that you can’t get your hands in the dirt for the next several months. An indoor herb garden can feed your gardening habit regardless of how cold it gets outside. Your winter herb garden will allow you to continue enjoying some garden freshness even while your outdoor garden lies blanketed deep beneath a comforter of downy snow. Just grab some plants, pots and personalized labels and you’ll be ready to begin.


If this is your first attempt at an inside herb garden there are some good beginner plant choices: Rosemary, Parsley, Mint, Basil, Cilantro, Sage and Thyme all grow well in indoor pots. Since they are commonly called-for kitchen herbs you use each day, they are a great place to start.


It’s important that the pots you choose offer good drainage. Waterlogged soil can cause potted herbs to die. To ensure good drainage, place a few pebbles in the very bottom of your pots. Top those pebbles with quality potting soil that won’t clump and drown your plants.

Place your pots where they can get the greatest amount of sunlight. Like outdoor garden plants, your herbs will crave six hours of sunshine. Since winter doesn’t always cooperate, you can supplement with a fluorescent lamp set nearby. Rotate your herb pots so that everyone gets the benefit of proximity to the light.


You want to place pots near the best light source, but you do need to be careful about placing them too near a window where drafts could do them harm. Your herbs enjoy rooms set to a comfortable 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit. Also, be sure to mist them regularly since your home heating can make the house a dry environment. Herbs prefer a humid environment.

Personalized Labels

Your household herb garden is your own project this winter. You choose the plants, the pots and the place they live. Adding personalized labels to each pot is like your personal autograph on your work of art. If you like, you can transfer plants and labels to your outdoor garden once spring finally arrives.

You buy quality plants, quality pots and potting soil, so shouldn’t you also buy quality plant labels? At Kincaid Plant Markers we make only top quality labels and we offer them in an array of price points. So whether you are an expert gardener or just a beginner, we have the personalized labels that best suit your needs. Check us out and get ready to enjoy fresh herbs all winter long.