Metal Garden Labels Tie Your Garden’s Story Together

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Garden 2The air is warm again. The late spring rains are softening up the ground before the summer sun starts to bake the earth. As your spring blossoms fade, you might have some summer vacation time to reconsider your garden or to start planning what to do with that one section of the yard that has sat desolate for years.

When creating or restructuring a garden, it is fun to get so engrossed in researching new foliage and blossoms that you may forget about the big picture of your landscape. But that big picture is what gives it character and ties it all together. Even with a diversity of plants you can assemble them to have the feeling of a lush jungle, a sunny meadow or a structured herb garden. Whether for a very structured garden or a lush flowing landscape, metal garden labels can enhance your garden atmosphere and tie your plants together into the big picture that you envision.

How do you plan for that big picture? Garden experts suggest some techniques to tell a story with your garden. Here are a few to get you started:

  • Theme – Think of your overall garden. Will it be lush and full of green foliage or have spaces between plants like a flowering desert? Will it resemble a streamside woodland or a dry prairie? Will it be a garden of fragrances or one of non-stop color? While metal garden labels can label your individual plants, they can also be used for short quotes or words that reflect your garden’s theme.
  • Scale – As you scan your space, imagine how much of your yard you want to turn into a garden. Some gardeners create “rooms” in their yard, divided by arbors, hedges, or other natural materials and each room has its own feel to it. Metal garden labels can welcome you into each of these rooms representing a “children’s garden,” “rose room,” “aromatic arena” and more.
  • Flow – There’s no need to have every plant in your growing region in your garden. Repetition of plants actually helps create a lovely flow throughout your garden. Identical metal garden labels will flow like shiny pebbles among the plants. Peaceful gardens flow with beds of the same plants winding, breaking and meeting up with you again in another part of the garden. Think of how a stream meanders, interlaced with sandbars and rocks, but always flowing.
  • Special Features – It is fun to include sculpture, water features, bird baths and other structures among the plants in your garden. While these features can create a whimsical feel to your landscape, take care to not cause too much of a jumbled distraction with them. Simplicity can be exciting or calming without a feeling of confusion.

You can bring the character of your garden alive with metal garden labels that flow right along with your garden’s color and foliage. Our simple stainless steel garden labels at Kincaid Plant Markers will not distract from your plants, but will serve as a thread to tie your story together.