Creating a Delicious Herb Garden Starts With Herb Garden Markers

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Herb Garden Markers are a Part of a Successful Herb Garden

herb garden markersIf you love garden freshness but don’t have time to put in a complete vegetable patch, or maybe don’t have room for a full garden, you can still enjoy the great taste of home-grown goodness this summer with your very own herb garden. Herbs can flourish in a small amount of ground space. Potted herbs require even less room. You can choose herbs for looks or for kitchen use. There are so many from which to choose. Keep your herbs identified with attractive herb garden markers.

The Right Ingredients for a Successful Herb Garden
Whether you create your herb garden in a corner of the yard or in several decorative pots there are a couple of ingredients that go into making it a success.

Sunshine – there’s no substitute for a bright sunny spot when it comes to growing healthy plants. Position your herbs where they’ll receive plenty of energy from cheerful rays.

Water – give your herbs a drink of sweet, clean water on a regular basis. Keep in mind that potted herbs will need more frequent watering than those planted in the ground.

Rich Soil – hopefully, you have a plot of fertile earth in which to grow your plants but if not, visit the nursery and buy some enrichment so you can give your herbs a great place to live and grow. Be sure to allow space for your herbs to expand, especially if you are using pots. Some herbs tend to spread quickly under good conditions. Mint is one example of this. Don’t try to make mint share space in a pot with another herb – there will be a hostile takeover.

The Right Herbs for You
If your herb garden is mostly for kitchen use then choose the herbs that you like to use when cooking. Another criteria for selecting the right herbs could be insect control. Some herbs will keep insects at bay. Place pots of dill or citronella near your patio furniture to keep the bugs away. On the other hand, you may want to attract helpful insects. In which case cilantro and basil can help you.

If you place clearly labeled herb garden markers beside each plant you’ll never have to remember which plant is which. Markers are helpful when sending someone else outdoors to grab a few leaves of basil or a sprig of rosemary. They will also help you keep track of which plants did well in which areas.

When choosing the right herbs, choose quality seeds or seedlings and follow the attached instructions for planting, sun and watering. When choosing the right herb garden markers, also choose quality. Kincaid Plant Markers will look fabulous and serve you well year after year. So make some time for a delicious summer and plant an herb garden this weekend. You’ll be glad you did.