A Gardening Resolution: Incorporating and Identifying Native Plants

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This New Year Make Identifying Native Plants and Adding Local Beauty to Your Landscape a Goal

identifying native plantsHave you noticed that when you travel, you can usually find many of the same stores and restaurants wherever you go? Yet most travelers highly value those unique gems where the food or merchandise is different and indigenous to the region. The mom-and-pop restaurant, the artsy boutique, the club where regional music is celebrated. Your garden will be equally interesting and visitor-worthy when you introduce native plants. Furthermore, identifying native plants helps grow an appreciation for what makes your part of the country distinct and beautiful.

Here are some reasons to consider incorporating native flora in your garden plan.

1. Native plants are easier to care for. Plants native to your area have already adapted to your climate and soil conditions. This may not be the case for those plants you pick up at the nursery. Most of the time native plants will be the hardiest and easiest to grow. They’re not as likely to be affected by pests or disease as non-native hothouse plants. If you’re looking to minimize gardening issues – go native.

2. Native plants are problem-solvers. Perhaps you have a problem area in your garden. The soil may be too wet, too dry, too rocky or that spot gets too much sun. Native plants know how to make themselves at home in the natural terrain. Identifying native plants in your region will allow you to choose something that is both visually appealing and a natural-born problem solver. They are the perfect solution to your trouble spot.

3. Native plants help resolve environmental problems. If you appreciate green, growing things then you know how city expansion can disrupt the native ecology and environment. With rampant urbanization many animals who once flourished in your area are being crowded out. Acres of concrete and fewer acres of green mean that wildlife has few places to find food and even less room for shelter. Planting just a portion of your garden with native plants can help restore some balance. Put in some native plants and see how small animals, birds, butterflies and even deer respond. Environmental issues aren’t insuperable especially when we all decide to do our small part.

4. Native plants celebrate variety. If you spend some time identifying native plants and adding them to your landscape it’s one way to celebrate your home. Everyone doesn’t live in the southwest, the northeast or the deep south so why not plant a garden that honors what makes your region special? A garden is a fabulous platform for highlighting regional variety.

If you are ready to go native, order some of our Kincaid Plant Markers. Clearly identify the plants that are indigenous to your area and help grow some appreciation for variety, environmental-friendliness and gardening ease. We offer plant markers in a variety of price points to match every level of gardening passion.