Identifying Shrubs and Trees Ready for Pruning

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Keep Your Yard Looking Great With Wise Pruning and Markers Identifying Shrubs

identifying shrubsIf you are a casual gardener, you may shy away from pruning. The fear that an inexpert cut could undo months of careful nurture can be paralyzing. And yet, wise pruning is a simple way to turn a lackluster landscape into a fabulous one. The trick is first identifying shrubs and trees that are ready for pruning and secondly, understanding when is the best time to make those trims.

Identifying Shrubs and Trees That Are Ready

There are a few things to look for when deciding whether or not your plants are ready for a pruning touch. These are the most common signs to look for:

For Trees

  • Growth, called suckers, which spring up from the base
  • Dead, broken or diseased branches
  • Branches that grow parallel and practically on top of another branch or which cross over another branch
  • Branches which shoot up and seem to compete with the central leading branch of a tree
  • Branches which grow too close to the ground

For Shrubs

  • Weak or wayward branches
  • On multi-stemmed bushes that grow from the ground (forsythia, lilac, dogwood), trim away older stems
  • Suckers
  • Long stems without branches

Identifying the Right Season for Pruning

If a shrub flowers in spring, you want to prune it just after the flowers fade. Prune shrubs that flower in summer in the spring or late winter. You can find lists of trees and the proper season for pruning them in nearly any nursery. For many trees, this will be during late winter to mid-summer.

Pruning will keep your shrubs and trees looking lush and healthy. It will promote verdant fullness and abundant flowers. In fact, wise pruning will actually keep your plants healthier overall. The trick is to not do too much, too soon. But with guidance, a trimming is a small time investment that yields large rewards.

Identifying Shrubs and Trees With Markers

With your full, healthy trees and shrubs will come a landscape that is worth the view. Make your yard a showcase by trimming away those things that detract from your plants’ optimal health but also by adding the professional plant labels that invite onlookers to step in closer. At Kincaid Plant Markers, we make quality labels worthy of your yard and we’ve been providing them to home and professional gardeners for years. We’d love to add you to our list of satisfied customers.