Labels for Greenhouses Can Follow Your Little Sprouts Outdoors

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Start Your Plants Inside With Labels for Greenhouses

labels for greenhousesMarkers that are placed in the open garden must be resilient to harsh sunshine, drenching rains, violent hail and a whole list of other enemies including your pet dog. But, plant labels aren’t only for the outdoors. Some people choose to use them in their indoor potted plants, especially if their plants begin their life in a greenhouse. Labels for greenhouses help keep your plant varieties sorted. Tiny sprouts look similar and need good labels and these labels can then be transferred to the outdoors with the plants.

Not Too Hot, Not Too Cold— Just Right

If you plan on using a greenhouse to start your plants or to raise plants all year around, you need to facilitate the perfect atmosphere for their healthy growth. Ideally, gardeners suggest that the greenhouse stays between 80 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit and that the humidity should be fifty percent or higher. In nature, plants don’t stand still. Gentle and violent winds keep stems vibrating throughout the day. Your greenhouse needs to offer your plants a little of this moving exercise with air circulation. Adequate air circulation could come in the form of a few fans or air vents in the roof and sides of the greenhouse. It will start to get the plants ready for Mother Nature, but it will also cool air that gets too warm for the plants and it will reduce chances for mold and mildew on plant leaves and insects who might enjoy your year-round warm and damp atmosphere.

Getting Acclimated

Plants usually need to be hardened off before a permanent move to the outdoors. Most plants might need two to three weeks of temporary outdoor time in order to get used to all of the natural wind, humidity and heat in the yard. Gradually exposing the plants to the outdoor elements will help make the move from greenhouse to garden more bearable and less shocking for the plant’s leaves, flowers and roots.

Labels for greenhouses obviously don’t need to be hardened off, but can they withstand the impact of those same elements of wind, humidity, heat and more over time? If you have the right kind of plant markers, your labels for greenhouses and labels for gardens can be one and the same and will last for ages. Markers that are 100 percent stainless steel are strong and will survive without rusting or tarnishing.

Our Customers Know Our Labels Stand Out

We are so happy at Kincaid Plant Markers when customers write to us to tell us how satisfied they are with our products. One anonymous customer posted the following satisfaction:

I had used other markers previously for my daylilies. They rusted out and were hard to read. I have had the above for several years and they are just as clear today as the original date. No rust. Great product.

Whether you use our products indoors or outdoors, we hope that our plant labels will always assist you in your gardening. If you’re ready for a label that will last a lifetime, our Kincaid plant markers will go to work for you.