Get Kids Started in Gardening With Fun Seed Kits and Quality Garden Markers

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Garden Markers and Seeds Can Help Kids Develop a Love of Gardening

garden markersMany years ago, gardening was necessary for survival, but today many modern kids have never put a spade in the soil. With a little time and minimal resources, kids can get started with seeds and garden markers and enjoy basic gardening skills.

Seasoned gardeners suggest that young children can get started gardening with just a windowsill and a little dirt and seeds. Garden markers are a fun addition, too, to help kids keep their varieties of plants separated by type. Here are a few of the benefits of gardening with children:

  • Kids gain a connection to where fruits, vegetables and other foods come from. Rather than a plastic bag or aluminum can, kids find out that their green beans originally come from a seed, then a plant that requires care.
  • Seed sprouting requires very little space or investment. You can sprout a seed in a wet paper towel, then transfer the sprout to an eggshell with a little soil in it. Even if you go no further in your gardening adventures, your young child will learn a lot about how plants get started.
  • You may discover a child’s love of gardening at a young age. Many people wait until they are adults and homeowners before they dig into the earth and try gardening. If you find out that your child enjoys gardening early, though, you’ll give them a lifetime of fun with their hobby.
  • Many kids that garden learn to enjoy eating healthy foods. The pride that comes from picking ingredients for a side salad or enjoying green beans right off the vine can inspire kids to eat healthier.
  • Kids gain an appreciation for the earth and for nature. You can teach a child about the environment in a classroom, but the concepts remain theoretical if they aren’t experiencing it themselves. Working in a garden, much like activities such as camping or hiking, gives kids a personal connection with the environment and helps them view environmental concerns as their own.
  • It’s a fun activity to do together. Weeding side-by-side in your garden, spreading mulch and watering are all time-consuming, but they give you an opportunity to talk with your child and make memories together.
  • Gardening gives kids a chance to learn responsibility and organization. Provide them with their own gardening gloves and a set of plant markers as they grow into their hobby and you’ll probably see your child learn new skills and gain maturity in caring for their plants.

Gardening is a life-long hobby that doesn’t have a minimum age requirement. Even the tiniest hands can help plant a seed and cover it with soil. To learn more about getting your child started with gardening, check out Kincaid Plant Markers. They help your child create a beautiful and organized garden that they will love to tend.